Obituaries are your friend
I found one for Minnie Gambell. She was listed as Millie Gambill (a couple of the family were spelled that way, adding to the already confusing family spellings), but it also misspells her maiden name as Riggins and not Wiggins. Her obituary listed two brothers, Jesse Riggins and Joe Eddie Riggins. It also listed four sisters..
Billy Bivens' obit includes two sisters, Ella Cole (which fits with the 1880 US Census listing of a younger sister, Ella) and a Mrs. Henry Asbridge which I shall look into. With Ella being named here, I'm more confident in Fanny being his mother's name (or nickname most likely...What was it with people back then, no one went by their real name...I swear EVERY Sarah in my family tree born before 1950 went by Sallie....Why not just name the girl Sallie?!). So I still have to find his father. His obituary also supports his death certificate listing of place of birth as Arkansas. I've still got both dates/places included in my information, but now I have a stronger incentive to hunt for his family in the 1870 census in Arkansas.
Overall, these obituaries were able to provide me with a lot of missing maiden names, exact dates of death & burial as well as names of previously unknown siblings and where they lived. My biggest disappointment was not finding Lumey Smith Presley's obituary, but I can probably just ask someone in the family for it, there are bound to be copies in the family somewhere. That, and I still need to visit the library in Brownsville which I'm pretty sure is where she died.